step in, lowering right hand down and up in an anti-clockwise circular motion to encourage the lady to turn 360o anti-clockwise
while lady is half way through turn take her spare left hand and take out to right low stepping a little to the left to facilitate and prepare (2 beats).
At this stage you are facing the lady right hand high to the left and left hand low to the R.
Step a little back to the right and take left hand high and right hand low turning lady 360o clockwise to face again (another 2 beats)
Repeat the whole thing as feels right for the music, finish by turning the lady with a 360o anti-clockwise return to face, letting go of left hand.
Step back lowering arms keep hold of right hand (usually).
When done correctly the 'accordion' motion is realised by you stepping left and right alternately while the lady turns full turns infront of you.
A very good move for filling in the gaps when you can't quite think what to do next